


creativity, creative development, preschool age, quest


The article is devoted to the problem of creativity development of preschool children. Based on the research analysis of   psychological and pedagogical practices, it was concluded that creativity will soon become a basic personality quality. As human life in the information age is extremely diverse, it requires thinking flexibility  and non-standard innovative solutions. Modern approaches of foreign and Ukrainian researchers to the "creativity" concept  are analyzed. Attention is focused on the difference between the terms «creativity» and «art». It summarizes why the concepts of «creativity» and «art» are not identical and synonymous. The psychological features of the child's personality development are outlined and it is proved that the preschool age is the best age period for creativity development. We propose to use quests as an effective means of developing preschoolers’ creativity.  The construction principles and the structure of quests are analyzed, the types of quests are indicated in the article. It has been studied that the development of such characteristics of the child's personality as reaction speed, intelligence, observation, flexibility, attention, thoughts originality and the ability to generate ideas should be developed to enhance creativity, and the best means for this are quest games. It has been proven that an important prerequisite for the development of preschoolers’ creativity is a proper level of pedagogical staff creativity. To raise a personality free from stereotyped attitudes, a teacher must first of all strive to overcome their own stereotyped thinking and prevent formalities in their own work.  For this purpose, examples of creative quests that have passed approval in the work of preschool educational institutions are given.


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