Hryhorii Skovoroda, multi-competence tasks, competence / subject tasks, official language, syntax of a complex sentence, text based approach.Abstract
The task-oriented article highlights the teaching aspects of designing competency based tasks as an effective language learning tool. Within the Ukrainian language study the didactic possibilities of text oriented approach are revealed. It has been determined that these exercises contribute to development of subject and key competences, cross-cutting skills and values of the New Ukrainian School. They are effective for interdisciplinary integration, particularly, for language and literature lessons.
Competence oriented tasks according to text based approach ultimately develop students' critical thinking, systematic and associative thinking, creativity and ability to evaluate the text with their own statements. Such exercises expand the active vocabulary, develop the imagination and schoolchildren's creativity, as well as the skills of goal setting, planning, correction, and reflection. Through the text, these tasks reveal the beauty and richness of Ukrainian language, they engage students in the literary art world, build the need for reading and enrich emotional intelligence.
It has been proven that Hryhorii Skovoroda's literary works (poems included in curricula, fables, aphorisms) are syntactically diverse, therefore they are a productive basis for the development of students' language and key competencies
A range of subject and multi-competence tasks is proposed during the studying the syntax of a complex sentence in the 9th grade based on Hryhorii Skovoroda's creative heritage. The presented exercises were created taking into account the potential to build Ukrainian language competence, according to the curricula outcomes for 5-9 grades and the main didactic requirements for modeling competence based tasks.
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