



physics and astronomy teacher, STEM education opportunities, professional development of teachers, preparing physics and astronomy teachers for STEM education, STEM education


Scientific publications have demonstrated that STEM education provides opportunities for comprehensive development and the formation of competencies in students or professional training for future technical and pedagogical specialists. In higher education institutions, STEM is implemented through various means, including improving teaching methods, modernizing technical teaching aids, organizing project activities, creating STEM centers, and STEM laboratories.

In the context of post-graduate teacher training, STEM is considered a means of developing information and digital competence, which is a crucial component of a teacher's professional competence. To determine the potential of STEM in the professional development of teachers, a system of professional development has been described. This system provides teachers with the opportunity to select courses according to their specific educational needs, such as the modernization of skills in the use of educational equipment, the organization of astronomical observations, and the use of digital resources in physics and astronomy programs. STEM is an effective tool for achieving these professional development goals.

Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, applied knowledge, gender and personal approaches, team training, and continuous updating of content are identified as effective possibilities of STEM education for teacher professional development. The principles of STEM education can be implemented during advanced training courses by selecting the subjects of the training sessions and organizing the students' work. The acquisition of skills in the use of modern equipment and digital resources is implemented through practical classes.


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