



child socialization, digital space, «digital natives», education, training, information noise, gamification


The article is focused on investigating the impact of the digital environment on the socialization of children and addressing the challenges associated with organizing educational and upbringing environments for so-called «digital natives». The conditions and issues related to a child's socialization in the digital space are examined. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the concept of «digital socialization» and identifies urgent problems faced by children growing up in the digital age and ways to resolve them. It also provides an overview of the content of the «Concept of Education of Children and Youth in the Digital Space» and identifies various problems that arise in the process of socializing children in the information and digital space, such as the technological gap between generations, information overload, and gamification. The article highlights the importance of developing the competencies of educators in the field of digital education and teaching children safety in the digital space. It is argued that the education and training of children in the digital age require different approaches than traditional analog education. The article emphasizes that children born in the internet and smartphone era do not need to adapt to the information society but can become victims of cyberbullying and other cybercrimes. Negative factors of influence, including total digitalization, communicative networking, and digital inequality, are identified and studied. The article outlines ways to develop competencies that allow modern children to use information and digital resources effectively and avoid various dangers on the network. Finally, the article analyzes the «Concept of Education of Children and Youth in the Digital Space» and highlights the need for modern approaches to the upbringing and education of children and youth in the digital age.


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