



research work, student-members of the National Academy of Sciences, literary local history, poetry by D. D. Kremin


The article highlights the methodology and methods of organizing scientific research activities of students in the structure of the Ukrainian Literature Academy. The key concepts were specified, the working conditions were clarified, and the components of the methodical model of the formation of a competent researcher during the study of D. D. Kremin’s poetry was determined. The methodological foundations of the scientific activity of students-members of the Academy of Ukrainian Literature in Ukrainian literature are: ideas of profiling school literary education; implementation of personally oriented and competency-based approaches; actualization of the specifics of teaching literary gifted schoolchildren; taking into account the basics of scientific research activity; modeling the process of formation of a competent student-member of the literature circle of the Academy of Sciences; realization of the educational potential of literary regional studies in the research activities of students. The optimal conditions for the formation of a competent researcher in the MA system are: the introduction of a methodical model for the formation of students’ reading and search competences as a system of interrelated elements structured on the basis of the algorithm of scientific research on literature; tutoring support for the literary scientific work of Gurtkiv residents; step-by-step procedure for preparation and defense of student research work; current topic of literary research, which contributes to the national-patriotic formation of the individual; purposeful formation of students' reading skills based on the philosophical and historical principles of studying Ukrainian literature; application of the approximate basis of mental actions for students’ assimilation of theoretical and literary information; taking into account the rules of the All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of scientific research works of student-members of the National Academy of Sciences. Prospects for further research into the problem lie in the design of specific educational models for the development of the subject and research competencies of students who are members of the National Academy of Sciences in the process of studying the works of other Ukrainian writers.



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