


integrated educational situations, «Kateryna», the comparative analysis of an artistic image, the poem and painting by T. H. Shevchenko, the subject and key competences


The article clarifies the theoretical approaches to the formation of students’ reading competence by means of interdisciplinary integration during the study by students of the New Ukrainian School of the creativity of T. H. Shevchenko and defines the methodological conditions of this work. The specificity of intro-subject integration in the teaching of Ukrainian literature, which involves taking into account inter-scientific, inter-artistic, and methodical connections in the process of processing an artistic work, has been clarified. The didactic possibilities of the integrated study of the poem “Kateryna” according to current model curricula of Ukrainian literature and integrated literature courses (Ukrainian and foreign) were analyzed. The key integrated educational situations for the analysis of the image of a woman in the poet’s poetic and painting heritage are designed, taking into consideration: the specifics of the modern interpretation of the artist’s creative work in the context of reforming domestic school literary education; opportunities for full implementation of inter-art interaction in the process of students’ understanding of the author’s creativity; technologization of literature teaching; and the construction of a literature lesson based on the principle of content integration by means of integrated literary and artistic tasks. Methodical conditions of such a training are ensured by: implementation of the provisions of integrated training in a complex with conceptual ideas of personal activity, competence, problem-searching, cultural, and axiological approaches; thinking through the logistics of implementing a model curriculum; designing an educational model of literary classes based on a system of integrated educational situations; purposeful formation of students’ integrative thinking; creation of an integrative educational space owing to the use of didactic tools and media resources; and a high level of formation of the lexicographer’s methodical and integrative competence.


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