


a teacher, professional development, professional formation, «professional formation of an environment», strategies


The scientific-methodological article explores the modern strategies for creating a favorable environment for teachers’ professional development. The author provides an overview of the key approaches that contribute to the development of professional competencies, qualification improvement, and motivation of educational staff. Moreover, the definition of the term «Strategies for Creating a Professional Development Environment» is formulated and presented in the paper. The article highlights the necessity of creating an environment that comprehensively supports the continuous enhancement of educators’ competencies in both personal and professional growth. Special attention is given to constructing the main strategies for teacher professional development, such as educational, psychological, motivational, and the use of modern technologies, too. Moreover, the empirical data regarding the assessment of teachers’ orientation towards professional self-development is provided. The paper emphasizes the key conditions that contribute to the development of teachers’ professional competence, particularly their self-education and self-motivation. It analyzes modern approaches and methods that enhance teachers’ professional skills, as well as identifies the factors that influence their personal and professional growth. Special attention is given to the role of institutes of postgraduate education in supporting teachers and providing them with the necessary resources for continuous improvement. The importance of self-education as an integral component of professional development and the significance of self-motivation for achieving high results in pedagogical activity are highlighted. Based on the obtained empirical data, the main conditions influencing the effectiveness of teacher professional development in the context of the modern educational system are identified. The conclusions and recommendations presented in the article aim to enhance the effectiveness of teachers’ professional development through the creation of a supportive educational environment.


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