


chronic stress, a child with disabilities, child-parent relationships, a coping strategy, maternal attitude


The scientific-methodical article highlights the peculiarities of the mother’s attitude towards a child with a disability, which determine the type of behavior, in particular coping, and also substantiates its relationship with the psychosocial development of an individual with developmental characteristics. The authors characterize the relevance of the problem of destabilization of family relations during the birth, development, and upbringing of a child with a disability. It has been proven that chronic stress can affect the psycho-emotional state of a mother and may lead to nervous breakdowns. Moreover, the effective ways for a person to overcome emotional stress to get out of a depressive state are proposed. On the basis of a wide range of sources, the mother-child relationships are defined, which are to be based on an unconditional emotional and positive attitude, respect for individuality,  and taking into account the interests of children. The impact of psychotrauma on the mental health of an individual has been studied in the paper. The challenges affecting the mother’s social behavior have been identified. The relationship between the partner interactions of family members and the psychosocial development of a child with a disability is substantiated. A scheme for the formation of a mother’s coping behavior and her attitude towards a child with a disability has been developed. Furthermore, some tips for parents to reduce emotional stress are offered by the authors. The factors affecting the formation of the mother’s attitude towards the child are substantiated in detail. The coping mechanisms in families where there are people with disabilities are reflected. The impact of the destructive behaviour of family members on the deterioration of the child’s condition and, conversely, its improvement under the condition of a favourable psychological climate in the family has been clarified. The idea of coping strategies of family members has become widespread. The opportunities to develop their empathic abilities are provided. The research methods were used: system analysis; psychological modeling; generalization of available scientific data related to the research problem; comparative method.


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