
  • Лія Олійник


Keywords: preschool child, preschool education, a holistic picture of the world, the image of the world, perception of the world, vision of the world.


The article describes the possibilities of preschool education in the formation of a holistic picture of the world of preschool children. The views of domestic scientists on the perception and vision of the world, their role in the overall development of a preschool child are highlighted.
A holistic worldview as a landmark is one of the most important neoplasms of senior preschool age. The child’s worldview is accumulated in the world of perception – the system of his or her views on the world and its place in it, on the attitude to the surrounding reality and itself, as well as the positions, beliefs, ideals, values oriented by these views.
The primary task for pedagogical staff of pre-school institutions should be to develop the child’s personality and competences, as opposed to the traditional preschool preparation for schooling. Only with this approach will a child from the first years of life learn to reach his or her potential, to be open to life experiences, to live in harmony with the environment and to be himself, to live his own life and not another’s life. To be an educator, you need to remember your childhood well and look at it sometimes. In order for the picture of the growing personality to be relatively complete, realistic, systematic, it is necessary to create the conditions for meeting the need for a multifaceted experience (not only filtered). For a preschooler to be cheerful, optimistic, world-view and self-deprecating, they need to be kept out of isolation in their peer group, alienation and indifference, from substitute for live communication - via computer, smart phone, computer.


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