
  • Вікторія Стойкова


Keywords: managerial competence; Vasyl Sukhomlinsky; the roles and functions of the educational institution head; director-leader, director-manager, director-administrator.


In the article, based on the study of domestic and foreign authors' works and materials of leading scientific and educational organizations, a theoretical analysis of the structure of a professional managerial competence unified model is made, the roles and functions of the educational institution modern head are described. Theoretical conclusions compared to the image of the educational institution head by summarizing more than 20 years of managerial experience of Vasyl Sukhomlinsky, theoretical and scientific-methodological approaches to the management of the educational institution, described in the books «Conversation with the young principal» and «Paul's secondary school».

The author proved that the modern director of an educational institution should perform several managerial roles, among which the priority is to provide strategic processes - director-leader, then: providing tactical processes - director-manager and providing operational processes - director-administrator. Each role contains a number of separate functions: manager-strategist; manager-analyst; manager-facilitator; manager-communicator; manager-orator; manager- parliamentarian; manager-coach; manager-tutor; manager-entrepreneur; manager-headhunter; manager-HR; manager-financier / economist; manager-matron; manager-marketer; manager-logistician; manager-moderator; manager-informant; manager-synthesizer; manager-representative.

The article substantiates that professional managerial competence is the ability to carry out systematic management of an educational organization on the basis of leadership and to create a harmonious educational and development environment for the realization of students' learning and development. The composite models have the appropriate structure and components: cognitive (professional knowledge, understanding), functional (abilities, skills, actions, beliefs) and personal (professional values, emotions, motivation, leadership). In order to study the structure of professional managerial competence of the network educational organization head, a theoretical analysis of national and world scientific achievements, materials of the European Commission (ЕС), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI), the International Confederation of Principals (ICP), as well as national standards for the training of school leaders in the USA, Canada, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Europe (UK, Poland, Finland) was carried out in the section.

The author has proved that V. Sukhomlinsky's management experience is an inexhaustible source of enrichment of modern science and practice, in particular, in the field of educational management. The recommendations made by the great Ukrainian educator and leader have been ahead of their time by at least half a century and still have a high level of relevance today for modern theory and practice of educational institutions managing.


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