


mobility; professional adaptation; young teacher


The article is devoted to the problem of professional adaptation of young teachers in the first years of their work. Professional adaptation is usually understood as a system of measures that promote the professional development of a young worker and form in him the appropriate professional qualities, as well as help the young specialist to master the elements of organizational culture and enter a new social role, ie adoption of a new social status. Speaking in the language of sociology, professional adaptation includes self-identification of a young specialist with a new role, status characteristics and culture and values of the professional environment. Young teachers most often encounter in their professional activities the problem of adaptation in the new team, lack of professional motivation, assistance from older more experienced colleagues and the availability of conditions for diverse growth. This is the relevance and social significance of the problem. Professional adaptation of a young teacher begins while studying at a pedagogical university. Then the period of adaptation lasts during the first or second years of professional activity. The formation of themselves as part of the team occurs in the second or even third years of work in the teaching profession. This motivates the young specialist's further interest in professional activities. A common feature for all novice teachers is that they have a very good idea of the purpose and objectives of the school and its purpose in it. As a rule, yesterday's undergraduates have a fairly high level of educational training, however, the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, professional opportunities, certain difficulties in communication and specific features of work can lead to significant difficulties in the period of adaptation. The result can be even an outflow of young professionals who have not found themselves in the profession. Therefore, one of the most important qualities for any professional is professional mobility. The article also substantiates the relevance of studying the processes associated with the professional mobility of young professionals. An analysis of the most famous concept of social mobility of the founder of this term Pitirim Alexandrovich Sorokin, approaches to the study of the problem of professional mobility of young professionals at the present stage of development of society. Professional mobility is closely linked to the process of choosing a profession and professional self-determination of the individual.


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