


communication, education, informational security, Internet environment, media content, media trauma, netiquette, network etiquette


Cultural behavior in the information space is a problem for a wide range of studies. Especially urgent in the educational process are the ethical issues of social connections in the learning environment during the military events in Ukraine.  The article highlights the importance and role of network morality for optimal educational impact on the younger generation.   The school reform directs teachers to organize the learning process focusing on the values development of the younger generation. Today there are many controversial issues in distance education that need to be answered. The authors of this article emphasized the need to form such competencies of participants in the educational process that will contribute to the development of communication culture on the Internet.  In addition, they revealed the importance of academic integrity as a significant aspect of the teacher's professional ethics.  The Internet etiquette issues include the indicator of students' education and the rules of  online interaction with the teacher in the virtual world. The peculiarity of interaction is that it becomes possible under the condition of mutual  trust and respect.  The article proves the need for urgent implementation of netiquette in terms of interaction within the learning environment.  The professional applying digital technologies in teaching purposes and proper Internet communication as a must skill of a modern teacher are considered.   The lack of curriculum for high school students to set goals as for spiritual growth of the individual is also analyzed. During the war, a wave of profanity swept the media space. Obscene phrases were legalized in social networks, and mass media, which can be seen every day on billboards, clothes, household items, etc. The complexity of the situation is that the imitation mechanism is unconsciously triggered and children's vocabulary is enriched with abusive words. The article substantiates the need to teach children self respect and respect towards others, and it is recommended to leave profanity in the history of Russian aggression. The article investigates the dangerous factors of social adaptation of the child as a result of media trauma. The attention is focused on prevention of intrapersonal conflicts caused by watching horrible media content full of cruelty, aggression, and violence. During the analysis of children's behavioral reactions in recent months, the authors of the study emphasized the increase of health-saving media content.  The importance of compliance with certain rules of Internet usage by parents to maintain the mental health of their own children is noted. Also, the authors state that increasing the media literacy of parents is the most important aspect of modern education.


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