


development of reading competence, terms of the New Ukrainian School, competence-based teaching of literature


The article highlights the methodological aspects of solving the problem of forming a competent reader in terms of the New Ukrainian School and it defines the appropriate teaching tools. The key concepts of the research were deepened, the teaching conditions of implementation were clarified, and learning tasks were designed to  study  Hryhorii Skovoroda’s  literary work in the 6th grade. The main ideas of the developing students’ reading competence within modern learning tasks are defined as follows: base on reading competence as the main basis of the competence at school literary education; introduction of personality-oriented and activity-based approaches focused on a rational combination of elements of traditional and innovative education; the systematic values teaching  by means of  the speech art; taking into account the potential to integrate Ukrainian literature in various disciplines; modeling the modern educational environment through the use of promising pedagogical technologies and modern online tools, in particular project-based teaching of literature; justified use of media resources at various stages of studying an artistic work due to the development of subject and IT competences. The implementation of such training will be facilitated by the certain teaching tools, for example, local learning technologies designed by the teacher with the didactic support for the literature study, especially as for the new textbooks; competence-oriented tasks of comprehension of an literary work; learning situations that contribute to the national and patriotic values development; appropriate means of intersubject interaction; educational multimedia projects; varieties of pedagogical assistance with algorithmic type instructions for formative assessment; digital services and online tools.


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