


GAP analysis, planned indicators, strategic gap, strategic indicators, strategic planning


The concept and method of implementing the GAP analysis approach are considered in the scientific and methodological article. The content of the analytical activity regarding the identification of inconsistencies in the indicators of the organization’s development with the set goals is determined. The use of analytical tools in strategic analysis is described by the authors. The concept and essence of the concept of «strategic gap» are defined. General recommendations on the technology of using GAP analysis to identify discrepancies between strategic goals and market opportunities of the enterprise are outlined. The specifics of the activity and development of educational institutions are indicated. The place of strategic analysis of its activity is clarified. The possibility of using strategic tools, in particular, GAP analysis, to improve the management of an educational organization is characterized. The types of strategic gaps in the educational institution are determined. The stages of application of GAP analysis in the planning process are analyzed. An adapted version of the GAP-analysis method of the activity of educational institutions is presented. Factors affecting the specifics of their activity have been determined. A graphic representation of the adapted methodology for the analysis of the development of the educational institution was built in order to visually present the existing gaps between the desired and the current state. The method of calculating the integral indicator for conducting GAP analysis and constructing a schedule for calculating the integral gap indicators according to the parameters of the development of the educational institution is explained. The procedure for calculating parameters and deviations (strategic gaps) is described. For the first time, the article offers recommendations for determining directions and ways to overcome discrepancies between the need for the development of educational institutions and the available indicators of research results.


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