
  • Olena Liskovych Миколаївський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти


Keywords: competence in science and technologies, components of competence, intellectual competitions, key competence, natural science competence, regional forum of young admirers of physics and astronomy.


The article investigates the formation of students' competencies in science and IT by means of physics competitions.

The author analyzes the research on the issue of students’ competencies  in science and IT, and also clarifies the essence and the structure of this concept.

  It is determined that science and IT competence is a complex of personal qualities that provides the student with the ability to solve significant social and personal problems related to nature, engineering and technology.

This competence includes cognitive, activity and personality components. The activity component includes the ability to explain natural phenomena and technological processes, to apply  knowledge for solving problems with science and technical content, to identify environmental problems,  to study natural phenomena and processes, to understand and to apply the operation principle and the structure of modern machinery, devices and equipment.  The personal component includes educational motives, research activities and reflexivity (which means the ability to carry out self-control, self-assessment and self-analysis), awareness of the science importance for human development and value attitude to knowledge and scientific activity.

Based on the analysis of the activity content  and personal components, it is proved that the competence in science and IT is formed  mainly due to extracurricular and after classes activities. The peculiarity is students' freedom to choose forms, content and work methods, it supposes wide opportunities for involving students into practice.

The possibilities for competence formation by means of intellectual competitions are illustrated by the participants' work during the regional forum of physics and astronomy young admirers.



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