
  • Нanna Рohromska МОІППО
  • Natalia Makhrovska МОІППО
  • Еlina Rohozhynska МОІППО


constructivism, educational activity, free labor school, science education, NUS, STEAM, teaching, Yakiv Chepiga


The article discusses the constructivism ideas and their use in learning. The general concepts of the learning theories are highlighted. In these theories, the student is seen as an active and conscious figure who accepts, processes and transforms information. The ideas of constructivism contribute to personal development, a student is recognized as a unique individuality. Constructivism emphasizes the students' learning autonomy and it fully involves them in the learning process. Such approaches fully coincide with the latest ideas of teaching science and Mathematics and have their continuation in STEAM education. Authors have analyzed the constructivism approach for developing reflective learning  and cognitive models. Reflective learning is based on the student’s active participation  and considers learning primarily as a discovery process. The cognitive model implies that the student is a researcher, and the teacher is a  mentor. Therefore, these models can also be attributed to the origins of modern pedagogy. The authors combined the ideas about the pedagogical heritage of Yakiv Chepiga with the modern education development. There are established links between the theory and practice of pedagogy of Yakiv Chepiga in the context of learning sciences and Mathematics. It is concluded that under the conditions of education reforms, the ideas of constructivism can acquire a relevant vision.  The Chepiga's ideas about the free labor school embody the application of experience and creativity. This is the core in preparing a competent graduate and it is close to the STEAM education. STEAM is one of the main trends in global education and it is very important in teaching science and Mathematics.


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