


harmonious two-hemispheric all-dynamic thinking, life skills, competent training, life skills-oriented education, educational resources, advanced training for teachers



The article highlights the main purpose, objectives, and vectors of the All-Ukrainian project "Learning to live together." The authors reveal the project implementation into school education of Mykolayiv region within the ideas  "New Ukrainian School" Concept. The basis of the project is life skills-oriented education which is relevant to the context of "New Ukrainian School". Life skills-oriented education is a successful pedagogical technology that involves students fully. Teaching methods are focused on interactivity. The stages of project implementation into primary school are given, the main directions of work with primary and secondary school teachers are formulated.  Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers  Training Institute supports teachers for further introduction of the training course in establishments of general secondary education.

UDC 37.091.21:005.8 


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