


artwork, information and communication technologies, literary competence, methods of activity, stages of work, student-reader, project method, principles of training, projected training


The article actualizes the problem of projected literature teaching in order to achieve an outcome within students’ independent analysis and content  interpretation. The article justifies the project method use in the learning process  to acquire students competence, to develop their creativity and designing ability, The project method allows to anticipate its consequences and possible difficulties, to comprehend the spiritual potential of the literary work, to gain knowledge and develop values based on competence, creativity and personality-oriented approaches. The theoretical and competence aspects, which ensure the  students reading skills formation in grades 10-11, has been rethought. A model for the literary competence (LC)  formation based on the project activity of students to develop  high school students' reading skills and a mechanism for managing cognitive activity. The types of projects for the  subjects integration are characterized, the stages to work on them using ICT tools are proposed. Experimental training confirmed the effectiveness of the developed model, it proved the importance of taking into account these approaches in the  teaching the subject using ICT.

The need for the use of the method of projects in the learning process is proved. To acquire literary competence, different types of works on the development of their creativity are proposed. Through constructing their own activities, anticipating its consequences and possible difficulties, students learn to understand the spiritual potential of works. Different ways of working with art pieces are represented, they will contribute to the acquisition of literary knowledge, the development of moral values on the basis of competences. The stages of using the project method are distinguished. It will have a positive impact on students within the learning process. it will contribute to the proactive approach to reading, the habit of analyzing, creating, learning a new one, the emergence of a desire to repeat success during literary activity. The article will be useful for teachers, university teachers, students, and graduate students.


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