


Key words: children with special educational needs; development correction; Briolight interactive platform; sensory integration


The article highlights the tools of the interactive platform Briolight. This platform is an effective means of correcting child psychophysical disorders. The interactive Briolight tools complexly involve leading analyzers, it allows to "revive" the studying and correcting material and ensures learning information understanding.

The main tools' characteristics and the content of this technology are determined. The peculiarities of such Briolight tools are revealed as the interactive floor, interactive wall, interactive sandbox, interactive panel, large motility correction complex, fine motility correction complex, interactive speech therapy mirror, interactive metronome, interactive gyroscopes, etc.

Emphasis is placed on the appropriate use of the interactive platform Briolight within correctional and developmental work with children who have mental and physical disabilities. The functions of the teacher are determined in this process.

Prospects in the in-depth and detailed study of this tool's effectiveness are identified. This tool can be studied in the teachers' advanced courses and in Inclusive Resource Centers.

The key condition for harmonious all-around child development is full-fledged sensory development. However, more and more often specialists are faced with a situation when the psychophysical child development does not meet the age norm.

The Briolight platform is a tool for correctional and developmental work, its effects allow a teacher to create an individual trajectory of child development. Interactive games of the Briolight platform motivate children with special needs to master new movements, skills, abilities.

UDC 376:004.9:159.93:378.046.4



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