


Keywords: bibliotherapy, psychological self-care, reading, request, teacher, “weeble effect”.


The article is devoted to the general issues and methods of reading therapy (or bibliotherapy) used by a teacher. This kind of reading is defined as one of the most significant and most accessible tools for psychological teacher self-help. As a teacher's personality is extremely meaningful, the problem of teachers` psychological comfort nowadays becomes really important.

The characteristic of bibliotherapy is given, and the main difference from ordinary reading is determined. That is a peculiar «request» referred to in the book. The «risk zones» in the teaching profession are defined, the essence of «weeble effect» is explained, the role of rapid emotional teacher's recovery after the inevitable emotional failures is emphasized.

We determined the common features of literary works list for therapeutic reading, highlighted the stages of this kind of reading, analyzed their specifics, and the role of each stage in the overall reading process. The personal mode of making a list and the process of bibliotherapy is emphasized. We defined the range of the main teacher`s «personal requests», which are conditionally divided into related «professional» and «individual» ones, and offered some options for possible work on each of them. They are based on the reading of classical literature because it demonstrates the possibilities of such therapy to the full extent. Special attention is paid to the importance of harmony in family relationships: with a partner and children because it is the basis for the productive activity of a teacher. The conclusion of the article is based on its content and covers the most general patterns of the teacher`s bibliotherapeutic reading.

UDC: 021.4+37.016:808.1



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