


state final exam, external independent evaluation (EIA), stressblank materials, state final exam, external independent evaluation (EIA), blank materials, stress


The article considers the factors of stressful situations in schoolchildren during control or monitoring. Independent external evaluation  and State final exam are such events. As the external evaluation takes place in an uncomfortable and unusual environment for students, the task of the school is to reduce the stress level.  Such tasks become sources of additional stress. The authors outline and analyze the types of problem questions in mathematics during the exam preparation. Examples of tasks that are not common for a school mathematics textbook given. The article covers tasks for presenting the result in a certain format; the task of providing the most probable answer; tasks with an extra choice; practical tasks; geometric problems with a real pattern.  To prevent stressful situations and make students prepare for exams, the authors proposed an idea to use the format of exam tests. The structure and an example of such work form are given. The perspective is to expand the proposed idea not only for graduating students but also for all students and for various subjects. This type of task develops mathematical competence and reading literacy, it  develops such cross-cutting skills as reading comprehension and emotional intelligence, as well as logical thinking. 


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