


an inclusive resource center, autism spectrum disorder, communicative skills, preschool children


The methodological article is dedicated to the question of the formation of communicative skills of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder in the conditions of inclusive resource centers; it has been emphasized on the development of communicative skills as a mandatory condition of successful socialization and integration of a child into the peer environment; it has been outlined the factors that contribute to communicative skills development and outlined the conditions of corrective influence implementation within inclusive resource centers. The author reveals the connection between the formation of psychic features and abilities and the development of communicative skills of children with autism spectrum disorder. In order to effectively implement the coordinated corrective measures, teachers and parents are supported with working pedagogical instruments for the formation of communicative skills of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The paper presents a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the peculiarities of the formation and development of the communicative skills of the children with ASD; it has been proposed the effective pedagogical means of forming the communicative skills of the young children with ASD in the conditions of inclusive resource centers. The actuality of the research lies in optimal conditions ensuring comprehensive development and socialization of children with special educational needs. The process of communication is of pivotal importance for their further integration into society. The inclusive and resource centers are not only institutions considering a comprehensive assessment of a child’s development but also functions as a powerful resource for corrective and development work, as well as advising pedagogical workers and parents of the children with violations of psychophysical development. The contradiction of the issue consists in the relevant parents’ demand concerning the formation of communicative and linguistic competencies of the children with ASD on the one hand and the lack of methodological instruments and educators’ awareness of the specifics of their work with autistic children on the other hand.


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