


female destiny, «gender issues», Henrik Ibsen, historical approach, «new drama», personality, public perceptions


The gender issues in modern society gain significant weight, as the problem of self-identification of an individual is one of the keys to building a truly democratic society. Accordingly, the study of these issues from the historical perspective is able to provide a more effective, person-oriented solution to them. We consider the best works of Ukrainian and world literature to be one of the most important sources of this study, since outstanding writers reflected all aspects of modern life for them, raised and solved problems that were and are relevant in the general human dimension. Therefore, in their writings you can find the origins of many modern problems of society, including gender issues that existed at that time, although, of course, the terminology for their definition was different, which, of course, does not make their observations any less important. The article continues our previous studies of the drama «A Doll's House» by the outstanding Norwegian writer Henrik Ibsen, focusing on some gender issues of the world-famous work, which cemented Ibsen's fame as the creator of the «new drama», socio-psychological drama in general. Examining women’s fate during times when society openly neglected a woman’s right to be an independent person provides an opportunity to trace in a historical aspect some moments of confrontation between conservative social morality and women’s desire to fight for their personal rights, for the right to feel like a person and behave like a person. Contrary to the widespread public perception of a woman as a disenfranchised (on a social and moral level) being, Ibsen shows us the spiritual transformation of the main character, her desire to defend her right to self-respect and personal happiness. The article proves that such an understanding of the role of a woman by the playwright was innovative for its time and was an important step towards society’s rethinking of women’s fate and the role of women as individuals.


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