


continuous professional development, open pedagogical studio, natural science teachers, advanced training, professional competence of natural science teacher


The article investigates the potential of the regional pedagogical open studio «Science and we», which has been traditionally held in Mykolaiv region since 2013, for the development and improvement of the professional competence of natural science teachers. The content and structural components of the teacher's professional competence are analyzed, the components of competence that have their own characteristics in pedagogical workers of different specialties are determined. Such a component of the teacher's professional competence as a special competence involves the possession of transdisciplinary and meta-subject knowledge, permanent updating of knowledge, understanding of the importance of natural sciences in the development of mankind, and comparative - the use of interdisciplinary knowledge at the highest comparative level. To improve them, in addition to traditional advanced training courses, scientific activities are proposed, including the pedagogical open studio «Science and we». The purpose of the studio is to popularize scientific achievements among teachers and students and honor their creators. It is timed to the World Science Day for Peace and Development.  The principles of selecting the content of speeches and participants of the studio are highlighted. For each meeting, a topic of interdisciplinary content is selected, which will be interesting for teachers of biology, physics, chemistry, as well as for the students present. The invited guests of the studio are well-known scientists, naturalists, inventors, who are connected with Mykolaiv region. For example, the guests of the studio were: Leonid Konstantinovich Kadeniuk, the first cosmonaut of independent Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine, and Klym Ivanovych Churyumov, the discoverer of the comet «Churyumov-Gerasimenko».  

The possibilities of using the materials of the meetings in the design of the educational process in biology, physics and chemistry in primary and high school are demonstrated. All issues covered during the studio meetings have interdisciplinary content, combine a high scientific level and applied orientation, can be used by the teacher both in the classroom and in the process of organizing project activities.




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