


distance learning, express school, mathematics, self-training, synergy, the External Independent Evaluation, the National multi-subject test, the State Final Attestation


The article provides an overview of printed and digital resources for the comprehensive preparation of students for the State Final Attestation (the SFA) / the External Independent Evaluation (the EIE)/ the National multi-subject test (the NMT). The materials of these resources were used to create the author's training course. Domestic and foreign publications on preparing students for exams are analyzed. A parallel is drawn between the Ukrainian EIE and the international monitoring study PISA.

The role of comprehensive preparation of students for the final exams in mathematics is emphasized, taking into account the fact that students mostly do not have practical experience in this form of control.

A description of the author's open online course «Express Mathematics for Graduates» is offered. The purpose of the course is to prepare students for the final exam in mathematics (the EIE / the NMT / the SFA). This is especially important in the context of distance / blended learning, given the limited opportunities for access to interaction with teachers (especially in the frontline areas). The course content is compiled in accordance with the current EIE program. The course includes video recordings of virtual meetings, reference materials for each topic, and tests for self-assessment and reflection on their own activities. Attention is focused on the combination of innovative (traditional and digital) learning technologies with an emphasis on solving practice-oriented tasks and the reflection stage. The course «Express Mathematics for Graduates» was tested among students and teachers of Mykolaiv city and Mykolaiv region in April-July 2022. The course is freely available on the Internet on the website «Математика у цифровому суспільстві» ( of the Department of Theory and Methods of Natural and Mathematics Education and Information Technologies of the Mykolaiv Teachers Training Institute. All course materials are up-to-date and available to use.


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