


competence-based learning, competence-based task, mathematics education, New Ukrainian School, synergy, STEM


The article analyses the nature of the competence-based approach in education in general and in mathematics in particular. The role of the subject in the formation of key competences and cross-curricular skills of students is outlined. The characteristics and structural components of competence-based and competence-oriented tasks are revealed. The advantages of their use in teaching mathematics are identified, including: development of key competences necessary for successful life and learning; ability to identify and apply mathematics to solve real life problems; development of creative and innovative skills and encouragement of students to find non-standard solutions; promotion students' self-expression and abilities to strengthen self-confidence and self-esteem. It is emphasised that STEM-oriented competence tasks can contribute to the development of skills that are important in the modern world, such as technological literacy, analytical skills, creativity and problem-solving. The synergy of different types of competence tasks contributes to preparing students for real challenges in the modern world, where it is important to have a holistic view and be able to combine knowledge for creative and effective problem solving. The suggestion is made to implement the competency-based approach in the school mathematics curriculum through practical competency and competence-oriented tasks designed to support and enhance the skills of 6th-grade students. The information product, the collection «Practice-Oriented Tasks in Mathematics for the Formation of Key Competences of Students (6th Grade)», is the result of collaborative work of a creative team of mathematics educators from Mykolaiv region within the framework of the Internet project «Formation of Key Competences in Mathematics Lessons».


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