


geometry, integration, epistemology, critical thinking, competence tasks, cross-cutting skills, synergy, STEAM


The article focuses on the importance of epistemological beliefs in the context of modern STEAM education. The role of these beliefs as an integral component of educational practice and how they shape the learning experience of students is emphasized in the paper. The interdisciplinary nature of STEAM and its application in teaching practice are described, emphasizing how such an approach can improve student engagement and understanding of complex subjects, particularly geometry. The article highlights the importance of facilitating the STEAM process of teachers, particularly the teachers of mathematics, who can prepare students to solve both creative tasks and life tasks. The role of educators is important in creating an environment where students can develop research skills in STEAM. The study addresses the concept of belonging to STEM fields, suggesting that intrinsic motivation, personal interest, and social determinants play a significant role in student engagement in STEAM subjects. The authors describe the benefits and strategies of integrating STEAM into school practice through projects, lessons, and creative spaces, too. These environments allow students to express their creativity, collaborate with peers, and bring their ideas to life. It is noted that many students find it difficult to imagine the practical meaning of geometry in everyday life, which affects their motivation. However, the study of geometry is the key to developing critical thinking and stimulating analytical, logical, and creative thinking. The article offers an example of the implementation of the STEAM approach during the study of geometry in the 10th grade on the topic «Coordinates and vectors. The equation of a circle». The approach involves integrating the subject of the lesson with STEAM disciplines, posing problematic questions, and selecting tasks that correspond to the age characteristics of the students. It was concluded that STEAM education has significant prospects, in particular, in promoting an interdisciplinary approach and solving educational problems, so further research is needed to study the practical aspects of developing students’ epistemological beliefs through STEAM education.


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