
  • Hanna Pohromska МОІППО
  • Natalia Makhrovska Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute


design, modeling, UML, Rational Rose, subject area, diagram, information system, information-educational environment


The article discusses the information system modeling through using the unified modeling language UML. Modeling is at the heart of quality software development. The authors describe an algorithm for modeling of the educational environment in a simplified form. As an example, the information educational environment of a higher educational institution was selected.

The main roles and their basic functions are highlighted. The first role is a teacher's one (to create and to fill educational courses), the second role is a student's one (to choose and study the course. The third role is designed to manage the educational process. The algorithm proposed by the authors is universal. It can be applied to any information systems of a similar type. This research demonstrates general approaches to building information systems. It also illustrates the benefits of structured and object design methods in the Rational Rose software. In the considered model, for example, only a few components are described to demonstrate general approaches to design. The example builds a UseCase diagram to establish links between elements and roles. The following is an example of Sequence diagram to describe the interaction between objects and their messages. And at the final stage, a generalizing Class diagram with association and aggregation relations is built. The proposed model can be extended by adding a process description with connections between units of the environment when solving specific problems (horizontal connections on the Activity Diagram). This extension must take place before creating a UML (UseCase Diagram).


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