(project of education and culture: strategies and tactics)


  • Vasyl Shuliar


Keywords: educational and cultural noospheric space; information culture; media approach; media classes; media culture person; media education, media text; noosphere; noospheric education; noospheric library.


The author of the article has presented a model of cooperation between media educators and librarians from the point of media education. He revealed the peculiarities of educational and cultural noospheric space. The author has developed an effective model of relations between educational institutions and libraries, readers, scientific and public organizations to meet everyone's needs in self-development. The means are presented to develop media competence of the learning process participants. General concept models of media education and particular media classes are presented in the article, these components together will impact the development of Media Culture Man. To implement above-mentioned things we have defined a noospheric environmental strategy that contributes to the creation of the new library. Our noospheric ecological strategy enhances wise people who are able to live in harmony with the biosphere.

This project for educational and library institutions takes into account three types of education: formal (secondary schools and universities), informal (development of advanced training), informal (diverse, economic and non-economic incentives, life-long learning). The author has built a number of educational and cultural noospace concepts for the Mykolayiv scientific and pedagogical library taking into account global processes, citizenship ideas.

The cooperation models are consistent with the work of new libraries and the concepts of informal education and they are focused on the library users with the expected outcomes for each level.

The author emphasizes that the cooperation between educational institutions and the library is aimed at forming the reading competence of students (and not only) through the use of various media. For this purpose the model «Philosophy of media education and media classes in the pedagogical process» and the structure of media classes are offered to motivate readers.

The article also emphasizes that to have a Man of information culture each lesson should include a media text, a set of media competencies, space of a media consumer’s values and gaining experience in media.



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