Methodical principles of valeologization of the modern literature lesson




The author of the article gives a theoretical and methodological justification how to use the system of principles, methods and techniques of valeologization of a literature lesson. He proposed both general and specific methods and techniques of lessons in the system of literary education of schoolchildren. The article contains a number of general-methodical and specific principles of valeologically oriented literature lesson. They will ensure the systematic actions of the participants of the lesson. Organizational forms and methods of valeologization of the educational process are described. These principles are consistent with the target direction of health technology. To implement a health strategy in the system of literary education, two groups of teaching / learning methods have been identified: general pedagogical and specific. The author proposes a classifier of methods for implementing the health strategy of the literature lesson. For readers, the definition of "valeologically oriented literature lesson" is given. The author's model "Components of health technologies in the system of literary education of schoolchildren" is presented. An overview of some practices in the implementation of components / tools for health lessons in the system of language and literature education is given. Now valeologization of a lesson or/and subjects is being actively studied by scholars and implemented by practitioners. Some subjects were discussed in the previous (first) article. Here are some of these subjects from general to specific: Pedagogy of Health in the New Ukrainian School (Lydia Lavrinenko, 2019), Modern Areas of Valeologization of Subjects (Svitlana Lapayenko, 2005), Peculiarities of the Process of Forming the Individual System of Valeological Knowledge through Valeologization of Mathematics and Algebra (Olena Shevchuk , 2011), Health Aspects of the School Lesson (Iryna Rybina, 2011), the Literature Lesson from the Position of Bioadequate Learning Technology (Anna-Maria Bogosvyatska, 2015), Modern Approaches to the Health Lesson in the Educational Process of the New Ukrainian School (Lydia Lavrinenko, 2018).


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