


emergence;, forms of music therapy; functioning model of music therapy within the system of literary education;, music therapy;, music therapy pauses;, music therapy technology;, pedagogical potential of music therapy;, philosophical components of music therapy technology.


The author made a retrospective review of music therapy development within literary education. The origin of the concept "music therapy" is traced in the article. The psychological and physiological bases of the necessity of using music therapy technology in literature classes are revealed.

 There are traces of emergent possibilities of self-organization to cognize and comprehend the literary material. The philosophical components of music therapy technology are presented. A functioning model of music therapy within literary education has been developed. The pedagogical potential of music therapy in literature classes is outlined. It is important for literature classes to hold music therapy breaks. The information for the teacher of literature is given in the summary table "Types of bioelectric oscillations of the human brain". Such material will serve the philologist to select musical works based on the range. Proper selection will not destroy human nature. The use of music therapy will help to involve a listener-a reader into the appropriate state of mind and body. A number of music therapy techniques have been proposed, which can be used by a literature teacher. These include active and receptive forms of music therapy. Music therapy, as a health technology, will help solve health-preserving tasks of the literary lesson and relevant key competences.


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