


mathematics, project, relevance, synergy, PISA, STEM-education


The article discusses domestic and international approaches to STEM education. It is shown that STEM approaches are becoming more and more popular in modern education, improving the quality and motivation of students. The main part examines STEM due to its interdisciplinary nature. Attention is focused on STEM skills development in schools and workplaces with the need to improve relevant teachers skills. The problems faced by mathematical education within the context of STEM are highlighted. The underestimation of the role of mathematics as an essential component of the STEM flow is proved. The mathematics significance to develop competent STEM specialists is demonstrated. It is proved that mathematical literacy is the basis of STEM education, especially in the context of global digitalization. Some ways have been proposed to increase the mathematics  importance  in an integrated STEM context. A vision of the STEM approach is proposed through two key components (integration of subject content with the leading role of mathematics and the project approach) within the regional project “STEM education in the learning mathematics process”. Attention is drawn to the relevant research on the STEM topic. Organization of learning activities are outlined: integrated classes, lessons aimed at establishing intersubject connections, educational projects, plein-air lessons and various tasks such as drawing up a mathematical model of the problem, integrated academic subjects, practice-oriented tasks, laboratory and graphic works.



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