Hryhoriy Skovoroda, concept, «person's spiritual integrity», spirituality, transformational processes, visual means, triadicity, «three dimensions of the world», «The Bee and the Hornet»Abstract
The article examines the concept of the person's «spiritual integrity». The problem is relevant and substantiated in terms of Hryhoriy Skovoroda's legacy for value orientations. For this purpose, a number of philosophic works of the have been studied. The components of a person's spiritual integrity are analyzed. The work has been transformed into the system of literary education as a whole. There were used written texts by Hryhorii Skovoroda according to the curricula for the 6th grade. Models for the concept of «person's spiritual integrity» by visual means have been developed. We used the principles of the triadic philosophy to comprehend all subjects of literary education. Teaching recommendations for the study of Hryhorii Skovoroda's works are offered to philologists. The literary study was developed taking into account the components of the concept of «person's spiritual integrity». The author has provided a number of procedures to organize reading activities for sixth graders. Suggested learning context matches the target task of literary education.Their implementation involves a set of dialogical reading activity. Each of the types contains clear outcomes. They correspond to subject and key competence, core skills, and value attitude. All this involves within the context selecting literary tasks and developing the reader's own conscious attitude to the character and to the author. The author analyzed the publications of philosophers, teachers, and educators in the context of spirituality development. The regulatory documents in general and the curricula in terms «Ukrainian literature» of the New Ukrainian School were analyzed. The experience of teachers regarding the study of Hryhoriy Skovoroda's literary works was studied. We have built a perspective for further research of the outstanding philosopher, Hryhorii Skovoroda's legacy. One of them is the «garden» concept in the works of Hryhorii Skovoroda, Mykola Vingranovskyi, and Dmytro Kremin. This topic will be relevant for high school readers.
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