
  • Василь Шуляр


Ключові слова: парадигма, стратегії, стратегія Культури перемоги, місія Інституту державний стандарт, змістові лінії, дисемінація, бенчмаркінг, нооосвітній ландшафт, диверсифікація.


The article outlines the restraining factors for the implementation of content lines of state standards and the directions of their introduction into the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. We have proposed mechanisms for implementing normative documents that regulate the process of professional development. The prerequisites and directions for the implementation of the ideas of the New Ukrainian School are defined. The author presented a cascade model of operative training of scientific and pedagogical workers in the conditions of modernization of secondary education. He highlighted the constraints on the training of teaching staff. The task of the Mykolayiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education is to develop a regional
educational policy in the system of training teachers as socially active, creative individuals who are able to solve regulatory tasks, provide a stable intellectual environment in which everyone will be able to professionally and professionally develop. The author defined ways, directions of realization of cascade model of professional development of teachers and expected results in different spheres: in the sphere of creation of monitoring mechanisms, forecasting of realization of state standards, new programs, textbooks; in the field of scientific and educational support of the introduction of new state standards and training programs; in the field of organizational and standard-setting support for the introduction of new state standards, curricula, and textbooks.
To implement these areas of activity in the system of teacher training, we have chosen the strategy «Victory Culture». The meaningful content of the “Victory Culture” strategy involves building a collaborative and / or individual action program for each entity to achieve a personal  esult. The priorities of the strategy and the ultimate goal of cooperation between the subjects of education in general and the educational recipients (trainees) in particular are determined: further increase of our competitiveness as an institution of postgraduate pedagogical education and constant education of the winners culture in each. The full disclosure of professional and professional potential contains a diversifying component. An educational voucher as a personalized document of an educational service recipient is a regulation of flexible organization of professional development of teachers of educational institutions. To this end, it is important to have a competitive team of like-minded people able to respond flexibly to the Institute’s mission-oriented mission and the collaboration steps we have identified.


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