New Ukrainian school and Yakiv Chepiga's imperatives

(due to the article "Basic concepts of normal school")


  • Vasyl Shuliar моіппо


Keywords: imperative, types of imperatives, environmental imperative, pedagogical imperative, methodological imperative, literary subjects, ecological imperative, national school, Yakiv Chepiga, model of new Ukrainian school.


The author of the article identifies the Yakiv Chepiga's pedagogical imperatives to take them into account of the modern educational process. Such definitions as "imperative", "types of imperatives", "pedagogical imperative", "methodological imperative of the literary subjects" are clarified. The author demonstrates that the future is built when lessons from the past are learnt. A  study of teachers' personalities is a productive way for it, for example the figure of Yakiv Chepiga is significant enough. The legacy of Yakiv Chepiga has been studied by few researchers, such as Lydia Nikolenko, Larysa Berezivska, Olga Sukhomlynska and others.

The article presents a concept understanding of "imperative" and "environmental imperative" and offers a summary table and relevant definitions.  Types of ecological thinking are determined: visual-action; visual-image; verbal and logical. Scientists classify them in different ways. But anyway these notions are consistent with the views of Immanuel Kant about different characteristics of a human spirit and behavior. 

The core work of Yakiv Chepiga, where his thoughts, ideas, and experience were set out, was the "Project of the Ukrainian School" (1913). In fact, this program document contains statements about the natural school which  promotes spirit development and a folk culture. According to the author, there are such promising directions for Chepiga's legacy research as national education imperatives, teacher training textbook creation etc.

The principles of cooperation between the key players of the learning process  according to Yaliv  Chepiga and "New Ukrainian School" Concept include  human-centered approach, child-centred approach and teacher-centred approach. Cooperation involves partnerships between teachers, children, parents and the community



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