


bibliotherapeutic potential;, bibliotherapy;, psychological self-help;, literary works.


The article continues the series of articles previously published in the journal "Veresen". The articles  deal with the problems of therapeutic reading, they are devoted to the analysis of some theoretical and practical aspects of using the therapeutic potential of literary works. We consider therapeutic reading  as an important factor of  the effectiveness of the teacher's psychological self-help.  According to our concept, it  appears as a reliable tool for the teachers.   In line with this concept, the teachers' appeal to therapeutic reading provides an opportunity to neutralize the negative consequences for the psyche caused by the difficult and energy-consuming work. We present our definition of the concept of “bibliotherapeutic potential of literary works”, we also consider the relation between the effectiveness of bibliotherapeutic reading and the therapeutic potential of works.   We suggest that the conscious identification of the therapeutic potential of literary works increases the effectiveness of such reading. We analyze the ways to effectively use the potential of literary works, it depends on the genre of these works.  We consider the bibliotherapeutic potential of epic, dramatic and lyrical works, and we determine the factors that can positively influence the teachers' therapeutic reading. We present some pieces of advice for the teacher on the most effective independent identification of the bibliotherapeutic potential of literary works; it may stimulate the creative search of the teachers and their reading activity.


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