


an inclusive literature lesson, a technology of an inclusive literature lesson, emotional safety, safety, physical safety, psychological safety, reading activity, the children with special educational needs, the distance learning in the times of war, the elements of reading activity, the models of reading activity


The article presents philosophical strategies: noological, noospheric, and ecological that are considered to be crucial for the organization of a safe educational-inclusive environment. The authors analyzed the elements of reading activity as well as state, influence, and consequences of traumatic stress in the children with special educational needs. The paper exposes a model of an inclusive literature lesson; in particular, its architectonics is worked out. The scientists have also drawn up a technology for such a lesson. The model of the lesson is oriented to the activity goal. Moreover, the authors define a semantic and value-ethical purpose. The stages of preparation of an inclusive-distance literature lesson are also presented by the educationalists. The subjects of the lesson are a distance learning literature educator, a local facilitator, parents, and children with special educational needs. For the first time, requirements and key advice for the literature lesson in an inclusive class have been worked out. The authors of the paper have also presented a set of exercises for the children with special educational needs in the conditions of war and distance learning. The scientists suggest using practical recommendations for the educators and parents in order to create a favourable environment for the children with special educational needs. The ideas represented in the article may be of interest for everyone who works with the children with special educational needs and wants to make up a safe and enabling environment for them on different levels.


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