3. Methodological models (educational situations) of valeological literature classes




a mood of a literary work; author's point of view; competence-action literature lesson; educational situation; impressionism; literature as art; logical and semiotic model; plot of the literary work; types of narrators; types of portraits.


The author of the article suggested possible options for modeling learning situations within the system of literary education on the basis of competence, activity, and personality-oriented approaches. The models are consistent with the approved "State Standard of Basic Secondary Education" and curriculums approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The meanings of such concepts as "logical semiotic model", "learning situation", "competence-oriented Literature lesson" are given. Interested readers are given a plan of action to work with the literary piece of art and an understanding of theoretical literary concepts. The program is built taking into account technological features. It contains a detailed action plan for the participants of literary education and a short approximate  action scheme for a reader. The article presents a set of possible learning situations, on which the literature lesson will be constructed. Learning situations are represented as follows: "types of narrators of the literary work", "an author's point of view", "a mood" of the literary work, "literature as art", "plot of the literary work", "types of portraits","impressionism". The author cited samples of impressionist literary works, which were selected for the implementation of the proposed educational models. We have pointed out that the issue of valeologizing of reading students becomes important in the context of the use of music therapy along with literature in classes. It will be considered later the potential of music therapy in the system of literary education. We will focus on  implementing methods of music therapy during literature classes.


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