(from the experience of Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute)




educational and secure environment, educational landscape, safety, the centers of secure environment, the offline office, the online office, the project office


The authors proposed the concept of creating an academic and secure environment that is based on the noosphere-ecological and noological strategies of designing such an educational environment. The concept has been developed according to the normative documentation. The secure environment of Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute takes into account its landscape. The noosphere-ecological and noological model is built on the basis of the triad philosophy. We have defined a set of security centers where safety educational work takes place, and it has been taken into consideration the abilities to provide education service to trainees, the educators of the Mykolaiv region. The security environment is organized and oriented towards the employees of the institute, its applicants, schoolchildren of Mykolaiv, and citizens of the district in which the building is located. It has been suggested the algorithm for creating a security environment for the first time. The strategy of designing the secure noo-educational landscape (noological, noosphere, and ecological) constructs a number of principles: dominance of human resources as the highest value; consideration of the regional scenic peculiarities; complexity of actions and activities at the institution; the noosphere and synergetic approach in educational process organization; the principle of minimax cooperation between the responsible persons and the participants in the educational process; maximal effectiveness in the management model of the educational establishment. The structure of the educational environment has been modeled as «The Office of Support for Adults and Children» within MISTTI and consists of the following three parts: 1) the «online office»: a location for virtual meetings and other events; 2) the «offline office»: a place for co-working, collaboration face-to-face at working locations and workshops, the events in hybrid and offline formats; 3) the «project office»: the place for the organization of work by the employees of an educational office.


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